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How do I add friends? 

try using other antivirus

is not a troyan guys virustotal is lying i got proves traduct this in english En VirusTotal analizarán el fichero (o la URL de descarga del mismo) con un puñado de motores de antivirus. Si ninguno más lo detecta como amenaza, quizás sea un falso positivo de tu antivirus.


am i the only person who's using this for development, and not piracy?

Literally why would you. That is incredibly counterintuitive, just use Steamworks.. they literally provide you the tools and you’re using this janky hacked together software? I call bullshit.

Is not a troyan i used SSE like 3 months (and i only used to play slime rancher)


What the hell is a Troyan

Pudle is correct, virustotal flags both the parent folder and the EXE as Trojans. Do not use this.

it's a false positive...?


This is a trojan, don’t download it.

it is not

prove it

Prove it

it is false detection

Can you show me a video of you using so that I can be safe?



- "Steam games"

Deleted 1 year ago

I- How- It's legit in the name................

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)
